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What is Don't Pass Line in the Game?

What is Don't Pass Line in the Game?

Understanding the Don't Pass Line Bet

The Don't Pass Line bet is a type of wager in the game of Craps that is placed against the shooter (the person throwing the dice). Essentially, when you place a Don't Pass Line bet, you are betting that the shooter will not successfully make a point. This is the opposite of the Pass Line bet, where you are betting that the shooter will make a point.

To comprehend the Don't Pass Line bet, it is important to understand the rules of Craps. The game starts with a "come-out" roll, where the shooter aims to roll a 7 or 11. If they do, the Pass Line bets win, and the game is over. If the shooter rolls a 2, 3, or 12, the Pass Line bets lose, and the Don't Pass Line bets win (except for a 12, which results in a tie or "push"). If any other number is rolled (4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10), that number becomes the "point." The shooter must then roll the point again before rolling a 7 to win Pass Line bets. If a 7 is rolled before the point, the Don't Pass Line bets win.

By placing a Don't Pass Line bet, you are essentially betting that the shooter will "seven out" (roll a 7) before they make their point. This can be a strategic move in certain situations, as it allows you to take advantage of specific trends in the game.

How to Place a Don't Pass Line Bet

Placing a Don't Pass Line bet is simple. In a casino, you will find a designated area on the Craps table called the "Don't Pass Line." To place your bet, simply put your chips in this area before the come-out roll. It is important to note that Don't Pass Line bets can only be placed before the come-out roll, and you cannot remove or reduce your bet once the point has been established.

In an online Craps game, the process is very similar. You will find a virtual representation of the Craps table with the same Don't Pass Line area. Clicking on this area will allow you to place your bet using your desired chip denomination.

Remember that the minimum and maximum betting limits for Don't Pass Line bets may vary depending on the casino or online platform you are using. Always make sure to check the specific rules and limits before placing your bets.

The Difference Between Pass Line and Don't Pass Line Bets

Pass Line and Don't Pass Line bets are the most fundamental wagers in Craps and are often considered the foundation of the game. While both types of bets are placed during the come-out roll, they have opposite outcomes.

Pass Line bets are placed with the assumption that the shooter will make their point. This means that if the shooter rolls a 7 or 11 on the come-out roll, you win your Pass Line bet. If a 2, 3, or 12 is rolled, you lose. If any other number becomes the point, you win if the shooter rolls the point again before rolling a 7.

On the other hand, Don't Pass Line bets are placed against the shooter. If the shooter rolls a 2 or 3 on the come-out roll, you win your Don't Pass Line bet. If a 7 or 11 is rolled, you lose. If any other number becomes the point, you win if the shooter rolls a 7 before rolling the point again.

Although the Pass Line bet is more common and often the first bet that new players learn, understanding and utilizing the Don't Pass Line bet can be a strategic advantage, as it allows you to bet both for and against the shooter in different situations.

The Odds and Payouts of Don't Pass Line Bets

Understanding the odds and payouts of Don't Pass Line bets is crucial for making informed decisions and maximizing your potential winnings. The true odds of winning a Don't Pass Line bet depend on the specific point that is established. However, the overall house edge for Don't Pass Line bets is relatively low at around 1.36%.

The payouts for Don't Pass Line bets are typically even money or 1:1. This means that if you place a £10 Don't Pass Line bet and win, you will receive your original bet back plus an additional £10 in winnings.

It is worth noting that the odds of winning a Don't Pass Line bet are slightly better than those of winning a Pass Line bet, as the probability of the shooter rolling a 7 is higher than the probability of rolling any other specific number. This slight advantage can make Don't Pass Line bets a smart choice for players looking for a more conservative betting strategy.

Strategies for Using Don't Pass Line Bets Effectively

Incorporating Don't Pass Line bets into your overall Craps strategy can help you capitalize on various trends and opportunities in the game. Some effective strategies involving Don't Pass Line bets include:

  1. Utilizing a betting system: Many players use betting systems such as the Martingale, Labouchere, or Paroli system in conjunction with Don't Pass Line bets to manage their funds and maximize their chances of winning.

  2. Combining Don't Pass Line bets with other bets: Don't Pass Line bets can be combined with other wagers such as Don't Come bets or Lay bets to create a more comprehensive and balanced betting strategy.

  3. Taking advantage of table trends: Paying attention to the table's trends and betting patterns can help you determine when to place Don't Pass Line bets. For example, if the shooter has been rolling a high number of sevens, it may be a good time to place a Don't Pass Line bet in anticipation of a "seven out."

  4. Using Don't Pass Line bets as a hedge: If you have a substantial Pass Line bet in play and feel that the shooter may "seven out," placing a Don't Pass Line bet can act as a hedge to protect your original wager.

Remember that no strategy can guarantee success in Craps, as the game is ultimately based on chance. However, understanding and utilizing Don't Pass Line bets effectively can help you manage your funds.

Common Misconceptions About Don't Pass Line Bets

There are several misconceptions surrounding Don't Pass Line bets, which can lead to confusion and poor decision-making among players. Some common misconceptions include:

  1. Don't Pass Line bets are "unlucky": Some players believe that Don't Pass Line bets are unlucky or "against the table" because they are betting against the shooter. However, this is simply a matter of perspective, and the Don't Pass Line bet is just another wagering option available to players.

  2. Don't Pass Line bets should not be used by beginners: While it is true that the Pass Line bet is more straightforward and commonly taught to beginners, understanding Don't Pass Line bets can provide a more well-rounded understanding of the game and offer additional strategic options.

  3. Don't Pass Line bets have a higher house edge: Contrary to this misconception, Don't Pass Line bets actually have a slightly lower house edge compared to Pass Line bets, making them a potentially advantageous wagering option.

By debunking these misconceptions, you can make more informed decisions when incorporating Don't Pass Line bets into your overall Craps strategy.

Tips for Playing Craps with the Don't Pass Line Bet

Here are some tips to help you effectively use Don't Pass Line bets in your Craps gameplay:

  1. Understand the rules: Ensure you have a thorough understanding of the rules and gameplay of Craps before placing any bets, including Don't Pass Line bets.

  2. Practice your betting skills: Before playing for real money, practice your Don't Pass Line betting skills in a free or low-stakes Craps game to build your confidence and experience.

  3. Set a funds and stick to it: Determine a specific amount of money that you are willing to risk and stick to that funds when placing Don't Pass Line bets.

  4. Pay attention to table trends: Observe the trends and patterns at the Craps table to help you decide when to place Don't Pass Line bets effectively.

  5. Remain disciplined: Craps can be an exciting and fast-paced game, but it is essential to remain disciplined and make informed decisions when placing Don't Pass Line bets.

Practice Your Don't Pass Line Betting Skills

The best way to become proficient with Don't Pass Line bets is to practice in a low-stakes or free Craps game. Many online casinos offer free or demo versions of Craps that allow you to familiarize yourself with the game and practice your betting strategies without risking any real money.

Additionally, consider seeking advice from experienced Craps players or reading books and articles on Craps strategy to deepen your understanding of the game and the Don't Pass Line bet.


Understanding what is Don't Pass Line (Craps term) and how to effectively use this bet in your gameplay can enhance your overall Craps experience and potentially increase your winnings. By gaining a solid grasp of the rules, odds, payouts, strategies, and common misconceptions surrounding Don't Pass Line bets, you can create a well-rounded and adaptable Craps strategy that capitalizes on various trends and opportunities in the game. So, grab your dice, step up to the table, and put your newfound knowledge to the test!