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Understanding 'What is Hard' in the Game of Craps

Understanding 'What is Hard' in the Game of Craps

What does "Hard" mean in Craps?

In Craps, the term "Hard" refers to a specific type of roll in which both dice show the same number, resulting in an even total. For example, a roll of 3 and 3 is called a "Hard 6," while a roll of 5 and 5 is called a "Hard 10." Hard rolls can only occur with the numbers 4, 6, 8, and 10, as these are the even totals that can be achieved with a pair of identical numbers.

The concept of Hard rolls is essential in Craps because it forms the basis of a popular betting option known as the Hardways bet. The Hardways bet is a wager that a specific Hard roll will occur before either a 7 is rolled or the same total is rolled in a non-Hard (or "easy") manner. For example, a Hard 8 bet would win if the dice show 4 and 4, but lose if the dice show 7 or a combination of 5 and 3 or 6 and 2.

Understanding the concept of Hard rolls and how they apply to the betting options in Craps is crucial for any player looking to improve their game and increase their chances of winning.

How to bet on Hard rolls

Betting on Hard rolls in Craps involves placing a Hardways bet, which is a type of Proposition bet. Proposition bets are high-risk wagers that are typically placed in the center of the Craps table and are handled by the stickperson. To place a Hardways bet, simply inform the stickperson of your desired wager and hand them your chips.

As mentioned earlier, there are four possible Hardways bets: Hard 4, Hard 6, Hard 8, and Hard 10. Each of these bets has its own unique odds and payouts, which we will discuss in the next section.

It is important to note that Hardways bets are "off" or not in action during the come-out roll, which means they cannot win or lose during this initial roll. If you want your Hardways bet to be "working" during the come-out roll, you must inform the stickperson before placing your wager. However, most players prefer to keep their Hardways bets off during the come-out roll, as the odds of winning are lower at this stage.

Hard roll odds and payouts

The odds and payouts for Hardways bets vary depending on the specific wager. Here is a breakdown of the odds and payouts for each Hardways bet:

  • Hard 4: The odds of rolling a Hard 4 (2 and 2) are 1 in 16, and the payout is 7 to 1.
  • Hard 6: The odds of rolling a Hard 6 (3 and 3) are 1 in 11, and the payout is 9 to 1.
  • Hard 8: The odds of rolling a Hard 8 (4 and 4) are 1 in 11, and the payout is 9 to 1.
  • Hard 10: The odds of rolling a Hard 10 (5 and 5) are 1 in 16, and the payout is 7 to 1.

Keep in mind that these odds and payouts are based on true mathematical probability and do not take into account the house edge, which is the built-in advantage that the casino has in any game. In the case of Hardways bets, the house edge can be quite high, ranging from 9.09% for Hard 6 and Hard 8 bets to 11.11% for Hard 4 and Hard 10 bets. This means that, in the long run, the casino will win more often than the player on these bets.

Common Hard roll misconceptions

There are several misconceptions surrounding Hard rolls and Hardways bets in Craps, which can lead to players making poor decisions and losing money. Here are some common misconceptions and the truth behind them:

  1. Hardways bets are a good way to win big money quickly: While it is true that Hardways bets have relatively high payouts compared to other bets in Craps, they also have a high house edge, which means they are not a reliable way to win money in the long run. Players who focus exclusively on Hardways bets may experience short-term wins but are likely to lose more often than they win over time.

  2. Hard rolls are rare and difficult to achieve: Although Hard rolls occur less frequently than other dice combinations, they are not as rare as some people believe. In fact, the odds of rolling a Hard 4 or Hard 10 are 1 in 16, while the odds of rolling a Hard 6 or Hard 8 are 1 in 11. This means that Hard rolls can and do occur regularly during a game of Craps, and players should not be afraid to bet on them if they feel lucky.

  3. There are specific strategies to increase the chances of rolling a Hard roll: Some players believe that there are techniques or strategies that can be used to influence the outcome of the dice and increase the likelihood of rolling a Hard roll. However, this is simply not true. The outcome of each dice roll is entirely random and cannot be influenced by any external factors. The best strategy for betting on Hard rolls is to understand the odds and payouts and make educated decisions based on this information.

Strategies for betting on Hard rolls

While there are no surefire strategies to guarantee a win when betting on Hard rolls, there are several tips and strategies that can help improve your chances of winning and minimize your losses:

  1. Understand the odds and payouts: Before placing a Hardways bet, make sure you are familiar with the odds and payouts for each specific wager. This will help you make informed decisions and avoid placing bets with a high house edge.

  2. Set a budget and stick to it: Craps can be a fast-paced and exciting game, which can sometimes lead to impulsive betting and quickly depleting your bankroll. To avoid this, set a budget for yourself before you start playing and stick to it. This will help you enjoy the game without the stress of losing more money than you can afford.

  3. Don't rely solely on Hardways bets: While Hardways bets can be a fun and exciting part of the game, they should not be the primary focus of your betting strategy. Instead, consider incorporating Hardways bets into a larger strategy that includes a variety of bets with lower house edges, such as Pass Line, Don't Pass Line, Come, and Don't Come bets.

  4. Practice makes perfect: The more you play Craps and become familiar with the various betting options, the more comfortable and confident you will become in your decision-making. Consider practicing your Craps skills online or with friends before heading to the casino to ensure you are prepared to make the best possible bets when the time comes.

Tips for improving your Craps game

In addition to understanding Hard rolls and Hardways bets, there are several other tips and strategies that can help improve your overall Craps game:

  1. Learn the basic rules and terminology: Before diving into the world of Craps, familiarize yourself with the basic rules of the game and the various terms used by players and dealers. This will not only help you better understand the game but also make you feel more comfortable and confident at the table.

  2. Observe experienced players: Watching experienced Craps players can be a great way to learn about the game and pick up on various strategies and techniques. If you have the opportunity, visit a casino and observe the action at a busy Craps table to get a feel for the game and the betting options available.

  3. Experiment with different betting strategies: There is no one-size-fits-all strategy for winning at Craps, so experiment with different betting strategies to find the one that works best for you. Some players prefer a conservative approach with a focus on low-risk bets, while others enjoy the thrill of high-risk bets with larger payouts.

  4. Stay focused and disciplined: Craps can be an intense and fast-paced game, which can sometimes lead to impulsive decisions and mistakes. To avoid this, stay focused on the game and maintain a disciplined approach to your betting strategy.

Exploring other Craps terminology and bets

In addition to Hard rolls and Hardways bets, there are numerous other terms and betting options that you may encounter during a game of Craps. Some of these include:

  • Place bets: A Place bet is a wager on a specific number (4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10) being rolled before a 7. Place bets can be made at any time during the game and have varying odds and payouts depending on the number chosen.

  • Field bets: A Field bet is a one-roll wager on the outcome of the next roll, specifically whether the total will be 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, or 12. Field bets have a relatively low house edge and can be a good option for players looking for a quick win.

  • Big 6 and Big 8 bets: The Big 6 and Big 8 bets are wagers that a 6 or 8 will be rolled before a 7, respectively. These bets have a high house edge and are generally not recommended for experienced players.

  • Any Craps bets: An Any Craps bet is a one-roll wager that the next roll will result in a 2, 3, or 12. This bet has a high house edge but can offer a large payout if successful.

Conclusion: Mastering the art of Hard bets in Craps

In conclusion, understanding the concept of Hard rolls and how to bet on them can greatly enhance your Craps experience and potentially lead to big wins. By learning the basic rules of the game, familiarizing yourself with the various betting options, and developing a solid betting strategy, you can increase your chances of success at the Craps table.

So, next time you find yourself at a Craps table, don't be afraid to place a Hardways bet and test your luck. Just remember to stay focused, disciplined, and, most importantly, have fun!